Mostra Nuvolari was an exhibition about the Italian racing driver Tazio Nuvolari running during September and October 2003 in the Palazzo Te (Mantova, Italy)

Working as part of a design team from Fabrica we created several interactive exhibits which engaged the visitors as they learned about Nuvolari, his achievements, character and his world.


La Gente was a series of 3 semi-transparent glass screens onto which interviews of people who knew Nuvolari were projected. Sections of the video were triggered by pressure sensors in the floor as visitors passed the screens. The sensor area was lit when the videos were static and dimmed while each section played.

Ladri di biciclette was developed with Antonio Stilo and featured a section of film taken from Miracolo in Milano by Vittorio de Sica. The visitors drive the footage by cycling, watching as it speeds up and down according to how quickly they pedal.

Video tables were a series of 3 touchscreens mounted in concrete blocks. Using a simple interface the visitors were able to watch video clips from the Studio Luce archive.